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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blogs - Freedom Of Thought And Expression

A writer who writes and maintains a blog is a blogger and the journal that he makes available on the web is a blog. Most blogs are like personal diaries with material appearing in a chronological order. The blog is also a forum for exchange of ideas and opinions as the reader can, in turn, if he wishes write his own comments to the blog. This innovation to personal expression has its own lexicon and is fast emerging as a new way of communication.

Since its inception in around 1994, blogging has evolved from being personal views and diaries to news and commentary blogs.  The question is are blogs just random thoughts and personal expressions or are they similar to well sourced traditional journalism?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blogs: Free Promotion For Your Online Business

It's been a few years since blogging first emerged. But it's only recently that it's been considered as more than just a fad. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can sound off about whatever bugs them or makes them happy. Now savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that doesn't cost a cent.

So, what exactly is a blog? Blog is the shortened form of "web log". Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog can be set up for no cost at all, and can be used just for the fun of it or for business purposes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogging 101 - What Is It And Why Should I Care

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic in their own terms, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes and desires.

Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs, the word refers to the log that is a web-server’s log file. It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blogging: The New Frontier for your AUP

Building an acceptable use policy for blogging can be one of the tougher jobs for a company’s human resources and internal security divisions to develop. Blogging is a rapidly growing mode of communication that provides readers with material on everything from the day-to-day comments of authors, movie stars, characters on soap operas to hard-hitting news articles and columns. The growth of blogging has given rise to a multitude of programs and tools designed to help everyone from the personal blogger to corporate users.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Word About Video And Audio Blogs

Blogs are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. To elevate blogs to the next level, you may want to embed video in your business blog. Video is becoming increasingly in demand online. If you heard of YouTube, you know the impact of video online. Why not take advantage of this revolution? You can make your blog more entertaining when you include video. You may provide short clips about using your products, or you could make short presentations about your services.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Blog Farm, Why You Must Have One If You Want Huge Amounts Of Traffic

Someone wrote a comment on one of my articles at EzineArticles that I had written about the need to have a Wordpress blog. The point made was that whether you have a Wordpress blog or one of the other types of blogs, you still have to have people coming to your site.

Traffic is a part of the formula that you must have for the success of your Internet venture. Without people coming to your web site you will have no sales. Without sales, you have no Internet income.

In this article I will discuss how to get links to your  Wordpress blog. If you just bought a new domain and put a Wordpress blog on that domain you will not get any traffic. That is, unless you have lots of links pointing to your blog. Remember, "no links equals no visitors". Let me say it another way, you have got to get links pointing to your site or you will not succeed!